Our Team
Michael MacDonald - Founder, Project Manager, Works on all aspects of the project.
Hi! I am a high school student from Oregon who loves to tinker and code. I am a Clean My Planet global board member and I love to use my STEM skills to find intuitive new ways to help the environment.
Sirius - Web Dev, Web Master, Electrical Engineer, Public Relations.
Hey, I am a high school student from Croatia, my name is Ivan but most know me as Sirius, I like space, electronics, and nature. When I saw this project and what are they aiming to do I was just blown away, and wanted to become a part of the team (which I am now). My role in this project is marketing and some front-end web development. I hope we can make this idea happen and fight climate change and at least try to save our fragile planet!
Feynman - CAD Designer.
Doğu Taş - Software/Firmware Dev, Public Relations.
Hi! I am a 21 year old physics student living in turkey. I will be working on firmware and software on this project.
Instagram: tas_dogu
Upmanyu - Documentation Manager
Kirikmelet - Software Developer, Application Developer
You can find contributors here.